Mass times

Visiting Priest

This week we will have a visiting priest from the Philippines who will be celebrating Mass on:

  • Tuesday 3rd September at 5:30pm
  • Wednesday 4th September at 8:15am

You are all most sincerely welcome.

Sunday and Monday Mass

In Our Lady & St. Joseph’s in Kirkwall we celebrate Sunday Mass at 5:30pm.
Mass typically lasts between 30-40 minutes.

We celebrate Monday Mass at 11:45am.

Occasionally, due to weather or other ferry disruption Father may be unable to make it over from Thurso. A more limited service may be available in these circumstances. We also sometimes have visiting clergy who may prefer to celebrate Mass at different times. We will try to advertise this when it occurs.

Sanday Mass

“The Sacred Heart of Jesus” Chapel, Saville, Sanday. This Chapel is at Saville, the home of two parishioners, Maurice and Jean Soord. Special permission has been given by the Bishop, for the Reservation of the Blessed Sacrament. The Chapel is open to all who wish to pray there.

Once a month, our Parish Priest visits from Kirkwall to celebrate Mass. Because he is unable to celebrate Mass frequently, there is a Service of The Liturgy of the Word and Holy Communion each Sunday at 10.00am. For details of Father’s attendance, please see the Parish bulletin.

The address of the church in Sanday is:

Sacred Heart Chapel Church
Saville, Sanday

Italian Chapel Mass

Mass is celebrated on the first Sunday of every month in the Italian chapel at 3:30 pm between April and September inclusive.

Please arrive a little early.

The next date for mass at the Italian Chapel should be 06 October 2024

Holy Days of Obligation

Services will be published ahead of time. Refer to the Parish bulletin for the most up-to-date information.