
Confirmation is a profound sacrament that signifies the full initiation of a believer into the Catholic Church. At Our Lady & St. Joseph, we are honoured to support you as you prepare for this important milestone in your spiritual journey. Through Confirmation, you will become a fully-fledged member of the Church, ready to embrace and participate fully in its sacramental life and mission.

Father will personally guide you through the preparation process, ensuring you understand the deep significance of this sacrament. Confirmation strengthens the grace you received at Baptism and deepens your relationship with Christ. By receiving the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, you will be equipped to live a mature Christian life, filled with wisdom, understanding, and fortitude.

This sacred sacrament also empowers you to publicly affirm your faith and commitment to the teachings and mission of the Church. It is a moment to embrace your role as a witness for Christ, prepared to spread and defend the faith through your words and actions.

We are dedicated to making your Confirmation day as memorable and special as possible. Surrounded by your family, friends, and the parish community, you will celebrate this joyous occasion, marking your full initiation into the Church.

For more information or to begin your preparation for Confirmation, please contact Father directly. His phone number is available on our Contact Us page. We look forward to sharing this sacred journey with you and celebrating this milestone in your faith, welcoming you as a fully integrated member of our Church community.